



一项新的研究发现,患有轻度认知障碍(MCI)的老年人如果对衰老抱有积极的信念,那么与那些持有消极信念的人相比,他们恢复正常认知的可能性要高出 30%,甚至可以将康复速度加快两年。

耶鲁大学公共卫生学院进行的研究发现,患有轻度认知障碍(MCI)(一种常见的记忆丧失形式)的老年人,如果对自己的衰老抱有积极的态度,那么他们恢复正常认知能力的机会会增加 30% 。 有文化背景,不像那些有消极老龄态度的人。

此外,研究人员确定,这些对衰老的积极看法也有助于研究参与者比那些对衰老持悲观信念的人提前两年恢复认知能力。 无论 MCI 的基线严重程度如何,都能看到这种认知恢复益处。

“大多数人认为 MCI 不会康复,但事实上,经历过 MCI 的人中有一半都康复了。对于为什么有些人康复而另一些人没有康复的原因知之甚少。这就是为什么我们关注积极的年龄信念,看看它是否会恢复。”将有助于提供答案。”


这项新研究首次发现证据表明基于文化的因素——对年龄的积极信念——有助于从轻度认知障碍(MCI)中恢复。 该研究发表于

Older persons in the positive age-belief group who started the study with normal cognition were less likely to develop MCI over the next 12 years than those in the negative age-belief group, regardless of their baseline age and physical health.

The National Institute on Aging funded this study. It had 1,716 participants aged 65 and above who were drawn from the Health and Retirement Study, a national longitudinal study.

“Our previous research has demonstrated that age beliefs can be modified; therefore, age-belief interventions at the individual and societal levels could increase the number of people who experience cognitive recovery,” Levy said.

Reference: “Role of Positive Age Beliefs in Recovery From Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Older Persons” by Becca R. Levy and Martin D. Slade, 12 April 2023, JAMA Network Open.
DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.7707

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