




图片来自 2019 年格陵兰岛冰盖边缘的实地考察。图片来源:Pierre Beck

丹麦和瑞典的研究人员已经确定了 Hiawatha 巨大撞击坑的年代,这是一个 31 公里宽的陨石坑,埋在格陵兰岛 1 公里的冰层下。 史学终结了关于陨石在人类出现后受到影响的猜测,开启了对后恐龙时代地球演化的新认识。

自 2015 年哥本哈根大学 GLOBE 研究所的研究人员在格陵兰岛西北部发现海华沙陨石坑以来,关于陨石坑年龄的不确定性一直是人们猜测的主题。 会不会是在 13000 年前,当人类长期居住在地球上时,一颗小行星与地球相撞? 会不会是它的影响刺激了近 1000 年的全球变冷,即年轻的仙女木?

丹麦自然历史博物馆和哥本哈根大学 GLOBE 研究所以及斯德哥尔摩瑞典自然历史博物馆对 Hiawatha 撞击坑的沙子和岩石颗粒进行的新分析表明,答案是否定的。 海华沙陨石坑的历史要古老得多。 事实上,发表在该杂志上的一项新研究 科学进步 今天(2022 年 3 月 9 日),据报道它已有 5800 万年的历史。

海华沙. 地图

这些地图显示了格陵兰岛西北部海华沙陨石坑的位置(左)和冰下地球表面的形状,陨石坑清晰可见(右)。 学分:哥本哈根大学

“陨石坑的定位一直以来都特别难以破解,所以丹麦和瑞典的两个实验室使用不同的测年方法得出了相同的结论,这非常令人满意。因此,我很满意我们已经确定了实际年龄。 “这个陨石坑比许多人以前想象的要古老得多。”丹麦自然历史博物馆的迈克尔·斯托里说。

火山口新时代的确定让我们感到惊讶。 瑞典自然历史博物馆的加文·肯尼博士说:“在未来,这将帮助我们调查地球历史上一个重要时期对气候的潜在影响。”


锆石晶体是记录地球历史上许多事件的年龄的微小时间胶囊。 像这样的锆石晶体的年代测定是用于计算 Hiawatha 撞击坑年龄的两种方法之一。 学分:哥本哈根大学

作为 2015 年帮助发现 Hiawatha 陨石坑的人之一,哥本哈根大学 GLOBE 研究所的 Nicolaj Krog Larsen 教授很高兴地确认了陨石坑的确切年龄。



当 Hiawatha 小行星撞击地球表面并释放比原子弹多几百万的能量时,格陵兰岛西北部没有 1 公里厚的冰盖。 当时,北极被温带雨林和丰富的野生动物所覆盖——气温达到了 20 度。[{” attribute=””>Celsius were the norm. Eight million years earlier, an even larger asteroid struck present-day Mexico, causing the extinction of Earth’s dinosaurs.

NordSIMS Laboratory

The NordSIMS laboratory at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, one of two labs where analyses were conducted to date the Hiawatha impact crater. Credit: University of Copenhagen

The asteroid smashed into Earth, leaving a thirty-one-kilometer-wide, one-kilometer-deep crater. The crater is big enough to contain the entire city of Washington D.C. Today, the crater lies beneath the Hiawatha Glacier in Northwest Greenland. Rivers flowing from the glacier supplied the researchers with sand and rocks that were superheated by the impact 58 million years ago.

The sand was analyzed at the Natural History Museum of Denmark by heating the grains with a laser until they released argon gas, whereas the rock samples were analyzed at the Swedish Museum of Natural History using uranium-lead dating of the mineral zircon.

Fieldwork Greenland Ice Sheet in 2019

Photo from fieldwork at the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet in 2019. Credit: Joe MacGregor

Clear evidence that the Hiawatha impact disrupted global climate is still lacking. However, the crater’s dating allows the international research team working on the crater to begin testing various hypotheses to better understand what its impact was on both the local and global climate.


  • At 31 km across, the Hiawatha impact crater is larger than about 90% of the roughly 200 previously known impact craters on Earth.
  • Although the Hiawatha impact crater is much smaller than the approximately 200 km-wide Chicxulub impact crater in present-day Mexico, which led to the demise of the dinosaurs, it would have devastated the region and may even have had wider consequences for the climate and plant and animal life.
  • When the Hiawatha impact occurred 58 million years ago the Earth had recovered from the catastrophic effects of the Chicxulub impact eight million years earlier and was entering a long-term warming trend that was to last about 5 million years.

Reference: “A Late Paleocene age for Greenland’s Hiawatha impact structure” by Gavin G. Kenny, William R. Hyde, Michael Storey, Adam A. Garde, Martin J. Whitehouse, Pierre Beck, Leif Johansson, Anne Sofie Søndergaard, Anders A. Bjørk, Joseph A. MacGregor, Shfaqat A. Khan, Jérémie Mouginot, Brandon C. Johnson, Elizabeth A. Silber, Daniel K. P. Wielandt, Kurt H. Kjær and Nicolaj K. Larsen, 9 March 2022, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm2434